David Nowling Out in 13th Place ($27,934)

Feb 10, 2015

David Nowling

Jon Graham min-raises from the button to 100,000, David Nowling (pictured) moves all in from the small blind for 680,000, and Graham folds. Nowling takes the pot.

The next hand, Mark Dube raises from middle position, Nowling moves all in from the button for 860,000, and Dube calls with Qclub10club. Nowling turns over JspadeJheart, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes KdiamondQspade5club4club5diamond, and Dube pairs his queen on the flop to win the pot and eliminate Nowling from the tournament.

Mark Dube  –  8,250,000  (165 bb)
David Nowling  –  Eliminated in 13th Place  ($27,934)

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