David Kozma vs Christos Moschandreas

Sep 8, 2024

David Kozma and Marc Sen

Christos Moschandreas raises to 60,000 and it folds to David Kozma in the small blind, who three-bets to 180,000. The initial raiser calls and declares “I am calling you light, I hope you double me up”.

They head to the Diamond JSpade 7Heart 4 flop on which Kozma bets 80,000. It is enough to win the pot as Moschandreas folds.

Defending champion Kozma is among the bigger stacks in the room and sits right next to last year’s runner-up Marc Sen.

David Kozma – 1,475,000 (59 bb)
Marc Sen – 900,000 (36 bb)
Christos Moschandreas – 380,000 (15 bb)

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