David Jaoui Doubles Through Tomislav Pavanic

Feb 1, 2023

A player in late position opens, Tomislav Pavanic flats from the button, and David Jaoui three-bets from the big blind. Only Pavanic calls. 

The flop comes Heart KSpade QDiamond 4, the big blind bets and Pavanic calls. 

Both players check the Heart 6 on the turn. 

The river brings the Heart 8 and Jaoui moves all in for 53,500. Pavanic thinks about it before calling. 

Jaoui turns over Diamond 7Heart 5 for a runner runner straight to beat Pavanic’s Spade KClub J

David Jaoui – 130,000 (52 bb)
Tomislav Pavanic – 220,000 (88 bb)

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