David Bonneau vs. Jeffrey Cormier

Aug 24, 2016

Jeffrey Cormier raises to 22,000 from under the gun, and David Bonneau moves all in from early position. Cormier thinks for a moment and calls.

Bonneau tables Heart AHeart K, and Cormier shows Diamond 6Club 6.

The flop comes Spade ADiamond KHeart 6, giving Bonneau top two pair, but Cormier flops bottom set. Bonneau yells, “C’mon! Gimme a heart!”

Sure enough, the Heart 3 comes on the turn.

The river is the Spade K and Bonneau makes a full house to double up.

David Bonneau – 300,000 (30 bb)
Jeffrey Cormier – 512,000 (51 bb)

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