David Bonneau Takes Sizable Three-Bet Pot

May 14, 2024

David BonneauPhoto: David Bonneau

Following an early position raise to 800 from David Burnard, he gets calls from Narinder Khasria and David Bonneau before Nicholas Yim three-bets to 3,400 from the cutoff.

Everyone calls and the quartet sees a flop of Heart QSpade 8Diamond 2. Burnard now checks, as do the others before Yim continues for 2,400.

Burnard folds, but the others call to see the Spade Q fall on the turn.

All three remaining players now check and the river is the Diamond 8, double-pairing the board.

Khasria bets 5,000 and gets a call from Bonneau while Yim folds.

Khasria is hesitant to show his hand and Bonneau turns over Heart 8Club 7 for a full house of eights full of queens. Khasria shakes his head before sending his cards to the muck as the pot is pushed to Bonneau.

David Bonneau – 76,000 (253 bb)
Nicholas Yim – 28,000 (93 bb)
Narinder Khasria – 22,000 (73 bb)

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