Das Neves and Magro Send Krasniqi Back to Registration

Sep 7, 2023

Mauro BernardoPhoto: Mauro Bernardo Das Neves

Mauro Bernardo Das Neves raises to 1,600 in middle position and gets called by Avni Krasniqi in the hijack before Dennis Magro three-bets to 5,100 in the cutoff.

Both opponents call and see a flop of Heart 9Heart 8Club 7 which they all check.

On the Spade 6 turn, putting four to a straight on board, after Das Neves checks, Krasniqi bets 3,200. Magro then moves all in for just over 20,000. Krasniqi calls out of turn and his chips are ruled to have to stay in the pot.

Das Neves then moves all in as well, covering both opponents. With action re-opened, Krasniqi decides to call the second all-in holding the shortest stack and putting himself at risk. The frisky trio of late position hands are then revealed, showing Krasniqi about to be on his way to the rail.

Avni Krasniqi: Diamond AClub 5
Mauro Bernardo Das Neves: Diamond 10Spade 9
Dennis Magro: Spade 10Heart 6

Das Neves and Magro both hold ten-high straights, while Krasniqi has the bottom end of the straight which sees him eliminated following the Diamond 9 river. Krasniqi would re-enter the tournament after his elimination.

Mauro Bernardo Das Neves – 109,000 (218 bb)
Dennis Magro – 39,000 (78 bb)
Avni Krasniqi 30,000 (60 bb)

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