Daryl Jace vs. Allie Prescott

Apr 20, 2012

Lee Markholt raises to 7,000 from middle position, Daryl Jace calls behind him, the player in the cutoff calls, and Allie Prescott calls from the big blind.

The flop comes [9c9s4s] and Prescott bets 11,500. Markholt folds, then Jace raises to 31,500 total. The player in the cutoff folds, then Prescott reraises to 61,500. Jace decides to lay it down.

"Show it," Markholt implores Prescott. Prescott offers to show one and pushes his hand towards Markholt. Markholt flips over the [7d] as Prescott rakes in the pot.

Allie Prescott – 320,000
Daryl Jace – 320,000 

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