Darryll Fish vs. Matt O'Donnell

Feb 10, 2012

2804 Matt ODonnell vs Darryll Fish
Photo: Darryll Fish (right) tanks for nearly half the break after Matt O’Donnell (left) put him all in.

In the last hand of Level 4, the board shows [Jc5c2dKc9c] with about 10,000 in the pot. Darryll Fish checks under the gun, and Matt O’Donnell bets 25,000 from late position — enough to put Fish all in.

A group of players remained to watch the hand during the break, and after a few minutes, Fish looks up and says, "You guys can go on break if you want. It’s gonna be a minute." Three of them stay to watch to the end.

Eventually, six-and-a-half minutes into the break, Fish folds, and O’Donnell takes the pot.

Matt O’Donnell  –  91,000
Darryll Fish  –  20,600

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