Dare and Jaftha Get Tangled

Mar 16, 2019

With one raise to 125,000 in front, Levi Dare moved all-in for 500,000. The action then folds round to Nawal Jaftha in the big blind and she raised all-in over the top for around 850,000. This was enough to push off the initial raiser and both players tabled premium hands.

Levi Dare: Spade AHeart A
Nawal Jaftha: Club AClub K

Jaftha needs something special to turn the hand around and the Spade 5Spade 2Club QHeart 3Club 6 board doesn’t oblige. She drops to just over ten big blinds, whilst Dare is amongst the top stacks now.

Levi Dare – 1,165,000
Nawal Jaftha – 350,000

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