Dante Peykar Eliminated by Huidong Gu

Sep 20, 2019

Xing Biao Zhu raises under the gun to 2,000, Huidong Gu raises UTG+1 to 7,000, and Dante Peykar thinks for a while before he four-bets it from the big blind to 27,000. Zhu folds, and Gu goes into the tank, standing up to assess Peykar before sitting down to think.

Eventually, somebody calls for a clock, and shortly after that, Gu calls.

The flop comes Club 8Diamond 8Diamond 7, Peykar moves all in for about 130,000, and Gu quickly calls with Diamond JClub J. But Peykar turns over Spade KClub K, and he needs it to hold to stay alive.

The turn card is — the Spade J. Gu takes the lead with a full house, jacks full of eights, and Peykar needs to catch a king on the river to stay alive.

The river card is the Diamond 6, and Gu wins the pot with his full house to eliminate Peykar from Day 1A

Huidong Gu  –  370,000  (185 bb)
Dante Peykar  –  Eliminated

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