Danny Marx Shoves a Lower Flush Draw, But Spikes a King on the River to Double Thru Eric Afriat

May 6, 2024

Danny Marx
Photo:  Danny Marx

In the last hand before the dinner break, Danny Marx raises from the cutoff to 160,000, three-time WPT champion Eric Afriat calls from the button, and Erick Lindgren calls from the big blind.

The flop comes Spade 7Club 6Spade 3, and it checks to Afriat, who bets 150,000. Lindgren folds, and Marx check-raises all in for 1,255,000.

Afriat says, “I have no choice. I have to call.”

Afriat calls with Spade ASpade 6 for an ace-high flush draw, and Marx turns over Spade KSpade Q for a king-high flush draw. Marx’s flush draw is dead, and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The turn card is the Heart 3, and the river card is — the Club K.

Marx pairs his king on the river to win the pot and double up in chips. Afriat is stunned, and Marx steps away from the table, saying, “That is so sick. It was the only hand I didn’t want to see.”

Danny Marx  –  3,110,000  (39 bb)
Eric Afriat  –  560,000  (7 bb)

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