Daniel Smiljkovic Doubles Thru Michael Kamenjarin

Jun 29, 2018

Daniel Smiljkovic raises under the gun to 6,000, Chad Awerbuch calls from the cutoff, Stuart Taylor calls from the small blind, and Michael Kamenjarin moves all in from the big blind. Daniel Smiljkovic calls all in for 103,000, and Awerbuch and Taylor both fold.

Smiljkovic shows Diamond QClub Q, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive against Kamenjarin’s Club AHeart K.

The board comes Diamond JClub 7Spade 5Heart 4Diamond 10, and the pocket queens hold up for Smiljkovic to win the pot and double up in chips.

Daniel Smiljkovic  –  225,000  (38 bb)
Michael Kamenjarin  –  48,000  (8 bb)

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