Daniel Idema vs. Xuan Nguyen

Feb 27, 2012

Tyson Marks raises to 17,000 from middle position, Xuan Nguyen calls in the cutoff, and Daniel Idema reraises to 55,000 out of the small blind.  Marks eyes Idema’s stack before folding, while Nguyen calls.

The flop comes [8c7d3c] and Idema bets 55,000.  Nguyen calls.  The turn pairs the board with the [7c] and Idema takes twenty seconds or so before announcing he is all-in, having Nguyen’s remaining 230,000 or so covered.

Nguyen doesn’t think too long before folding and Idema takes the pot.

Daniel Idema – 535,000 (67 BBs)
Xuan Nguyen – 235,000 (29 BBs)

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