Daniel Idema vs. Tyson Marks

Feb 27, 2012

8232 Daniel Idema vs Tyson Marks
Photo: Tyson Marks (right) studies Daniel Idema (far left) moments before folding.

After a flop of [As8h4s], Daniel Idema checks the big blind, Tyson Marks bets 23,000 from middle position, and Idema check-raises to 60,000. Marks calls. The turn card pairs the board with the [8d], Idema bets 95,000, and Marks calls.

The river card is the [10s], and Idema moves all in for 307,000. Marks stands up and says to himself, "Shit." Marks tanks for more than two minutes before he asks the dealer for an exact count. Marks thinks for a while longer before he folds in dramatic fashion, holding them up high before slamming them face down on the table. Idema takes the pot.

Marks asks Idema if he made a good fold, and Idema says, "Did you have a five-card hand?" Marks says he didn’t, and Idema flashes one card — the [Ks].

Daniel Idema  –  670,000  (67 BBs)
Tyson Marks  –  412,000  (41 BBs)

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