Daniel Chalifour's Set Earns Him a Big Pot

May 17, 2024

Daniel ChalifourPhoto: Daniel Chalifour

Frederic Normand raises to 800 in the hijack and gets three calls to see a flop of Spade AHeart KSpade 8.

The blinds check to Normand who continues for 900. Christian Harder calls in the cutoff before Daniel Chalifour check-raises to 2,300 from the small blind.

The big blind folds, but Normand comes back with another raise to 7,500. This sheds Harder, but Chalifour calls.

On the Diamond 3 turn, Chalifour quickly checks and then faces a bet of 11,000 from Normand. Chalifour calls again to see the river.

It comes with the Diamond 9 and Chalifour now leads out for 15,000.

Normand thinks for a bit and then slaps down three red T-5,000 chips to call.

Chalifour shows Heart 8Club 8 for a flopped set of eights which is good as Normand mucks his hand.

Daniel Chalifour – 78,000 (260 bb)
Frederic Normand – 30,000 (100 bb)

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