Daniel Ades Eliminated in 16th Place by Anthony Augustino

Nov 22, 2016

Daniel Ades

Colin Moffatt raises under the gun to 35,000, Daniel Ades (pictured) calls from middle position, and Anthony Augustino reraises from the button to 90,000. Moffatt folds, and Ades calls.

Both players check to the river on a board of Diamond QSpade 4Heart 3Spade 6Club J. Ades bets 45,000, Augustino raises to 200,000, and Ades moves all in for about 220,000.

Augustino calls, and Ades shows Heart 10Diamond 10. But Augustino turns over Heart QClub Q to win the pot with a set of queens, eliminating Ades in 16th place.

Anthony Augustino  –  1,570,000  (98 bb)
Daniel Ades  –  Eliminated in 16th Place  ($16,500)

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