Daniel Ades Doubles Thru Roberto Vahlis

Nov 22, 2016

Daniel Ades

Colin Moffatt raises UTG+1 to 25,000, Roberto Vahlis calls from middle position, and Daniel Ades (pictured) moves all in from the cutoff for 100,000. Moffatt and Vahlis both call.

The flop comes Heart QSpade 7Club 2, Moffatt checks, Vahlis bets 100,000, and Moffatt folds.

Ades turns over Heart ADiamond K, and needs to improve to stay alive against the Spade KSpade Q (pair of queens) of Vahlis.

The turn card is the Heart 10, the river card is the Diamond J, and Ades catches a runner-runner ace-high straight to win the pot and double up in chips.

Daniel Ades  –  323,000  (32 bb)
Colin Moffatt  –  340,000  (34 bb)
Roberto Vahlis  –  370,000  (37 bb)

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