Dan Stavila Smacks the Flop to Bust Srikanth Gundela

May 19, 2024

Dan Stavila raises to 10,000 in middle position, Srikanth Gundela moves all in for 125,000 in the cutoff, and Stavila calls.

Srikanth Gundela: Spade 5Club 5
Dan Stavila: Spade 9Heart 9

Stavila hits a dream flop on Club QSpade QDiamond 9 as he makes a full house to leave Gundela nearly drawing dead. The Club 9 turn improves Stavila to quads and Gundela is already heading for the exit by the time the Diamond Q falls on the river.

Dan Stavila- 510,000
Srikanth Gundela- eliminated

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