Dajia Chen Busts Two

Nov 21, 2019

With 7,000 in the middle and the flop showing Heart 9Spade 7Spade 2, Dajia Chen (pictured) bets 3,000 and Chee Hoong Yeoh moves all in for 22,700. Cyrille Rousset is deep in the think tank and moves all in for more, Chen instantly calls.

Chee Hoong Yeoh: Heart 10Diamond 10
Cyrille Rousset: Heart KDiamond K
Dajia Chen: Spade 9Club 9

The board completes with the Club QSpade 8 on turn and river to send Yeoh and Rousset to the rail.

Dajia Chen – 98,000
Cyrille Rousset – Eliminated
Chee Hoong Yeoh – Eliminated

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