D.J. Collier Doubles Through Scott Efron

Jan 10, 2020

Dj Collier

The player in the cutoff raises to 1,100, D.J. Collier (pictured) three-bets to 3,800 from the button, Scott Efron calls from the big blind and the cutoff folds.

“It’s getting all in this hand,” says Efron.

The flop comes down Club 10Club 9Spade 8, Efron checks, Collier bets 4,000, Efron check-raises to 19,000, Collier shoves for about 50,000 and Efron calls.

Collier: Heart 9Diamond 9
Efron: Heart 8Diamond 8

Collier is on the right side of set over set and holds through the Heart 3 turn and Diamond 2 river to double up.

D.J. Collier – 125,000
Scott Efron – 15,000

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