Cyrille Rousset Gets a Fortunate Chop

Mar 19, 2023

Nobuaki Sasaki three-bets to 55,000 and Cyrille Rousset then cold four-bet jams for 176,000 to force out the initial raiser, while Sasaki calls.

Cyrille Rousset: Heart QDiamond Q
Nobuaki Sasaki: Heart KDiamond K

“No ace or spades please,” Lawrence Pashak in the small blind mentions in table chat as he adds to have folded ace-jack of spades. The Heart 6Heart 4Spade 2Spade 6Heart 3 runout provides a straight on the board and Rousset chops up a small profit.

Nobuaki Sasaki – 350,000 (35 bb)
Lawrence Pashak – 250,000 (25 bb)
Cyrille Rousset – 200,000 (20 bb)

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