Cuong Phung Doubles Thru Sam Taylor

Jan 31, 2013

Cuong Phung raises from the hijack to 49,000, Sam Taylor reraises from the cutoff to 125,000, and Phung reraises to 290,000. Taylor thinks for a bit and slides out a reraise to 950,000.

Phung immediately says, "All in," and Taylor snap-calls with [AsKd]. Phung turns over [KhKs], and he’s all in for 1,070,000 and a favorite to double up.

The board comes [Jd9s5h10s8s], and the pocket kings hold up for Phung to win the pot.

Cuong Phung  –  2,200,000  (91 bb)
Sam Taylor  –  860,000  (35 bb)

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