Cunix Takes a Hit from Stevanovski

Nov 17, 2013

Shawn Cunix, winner of the WPT Jacksonville event here in April 2012, began today with an just-above-average stack, but has taken a big hit halfway through the first level. All in on the turn with an open-ended straight flush draw versus Robert Stevanovski’s set, Cunix fails to improve and finds himself down under 5,000.

Soon after that hand, Fausto Padron raises from the button, Cunix reraises all in from the big blind, and Padron calls. It is [Ac][Jc] for Padron and [Qh][Jh] for Cunix, and when the board comes [Qd][9h][3d][2d][4h], Cunix earns a small double to survive.

Robert Stevanovski – 202,000
Fausto Padron – 75,000
Shawn Cunix – 11,000

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