Cruel Runout Sees Nathan Gozlan Eliminate Etienne Grosjean

Feb 29, 2020

There is a lot of commotion going on over at Table 7 in the last hand before the break. Heading over in time to see a Heart KSpade AHeart JSpade 10Club 10 board already out, Nathan Gozlan is the beneficiary of a big pile of chips after busting Etienne Grosjean.

Grosjean had gotten 53,000 all in on the flop with Club ASpade K good for top two pair and Gozlan had Heart AHeart 10 for top pair and a gutshot royal flush draw. A third player had open-folded X AX Q reducing Gozlan’s outs by one, but he needn’t have worried as runner-runner tens gave him a full house by the river. He has quadrupled his stack since play resumed this morning.

Nathan Gozlan – 215,000
Etienne Grosjean – Eliminated

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