Corrie Wunstel Doubles Thru Eric Baldwin

Jan 28, 2014

Eric Baldwin opens to 1,700 in the cutoff, Brandon Shane calls from the button, and Patrick Eskandar calls from the small blind. Corrie Wunstel three-bets to 7,000 from the big blind, leading to a four-bet from Baldwin to 16,200. Both Shane and Eskandar fold, sending Wunstel into the tank momentarily before he five-bet shoves for 50,925.

Baldwin goes into the tank for about two minutes before he calls.

Baldwin: [AhQc]
Wunstel: [Ac9h]

Baldwin is ahead, but falls way behind when the flop comes down [Td9d9c], giving Wunstel trips. Baldwin finds no help from the [6h] turn or [Js] river, securing the double up for Wunstel.

Corrie Wunstel – 108,000 (135 bb)
Eric Baldwin – 48,000 (60 bb)

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