Cooper Feltham Eliminated by Matthew Wakeman

Sep 22, 2024

Cooper Feltham

Matthew Wakeman three-bets an open raise by Cooper Feltham and a call by Romain Morvan from 24,000 to 115,000 to force out both.

Morvan then opens to 24,0900 in the cutoff and Wakeman calls on the button. Feltham three-bets to 182,000 in the small blind to leave a single chip behind. Gary Tomes uses two time banks in the big blind and folds, Morvan calls and Wakeman folds.

On the Spade AClub 9Diamond 7 flop, Feltham checks and Morvan tosses in the single chip. Being on the pay jump to the final three tables, Feltham uses all his six time bank extensions immediately and then checks the other tables before he calls all-in.

Cooper Feltham: Diamond 8Spade 8
Romain Morvan: Club KClub Q

“Hold please,” Feltham demands but the Diamond 10Diamond J runout gives Morvan broadway. There will now be a short break ahead of the three table redraw.

Matthew Wakeman – 2,225,000 (185 bb)
Romain Morvan – 900,000 (75 bb)
Cooper Feltham – Eliminated in 25th Place (AUD $19,876 / ~US $13,532)

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