Cooler of a Hand Goes to Botez

Jun 18, 2021


Alexandra opens to 2,500 from the button on blinds of 500/1,000 with Heart 7Diamond 7 and Rumay “Hafu” Wang calls in the big blind, having Club 10Diamond 8. The Heart JDiamond 9Club 7 flop lands on the board, hitting both players with a huge hand. Hafu checks her flopped straight to Botez who continues for 2,500.

Hafu calls and a Club J fills the boat of Botez who bets 5,000 after a check. Hafu check-raises to 15,000 and Botez calls, bringing down a Heart K to complete the board. Hafu fires in 40,000 and Botez quickly shoves 78,300 into the middle. Hafu calls with her straight, only to see Botez show a boat to scoop the pot, leaving Hafu with just a few big blinds.

Alexandra Botez – 200,000
Rumay “Hafu” Wang – 0

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