John White Doubles Thru Connor Drinan

Jul 31, 2016

Connor Drinan

John White moves all in under the gun for 62,000, and Connor Drinan (pictured) calls from the big blind with Spade ASpade K. White turns over Heart AHeart J, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Spade QClub 2Diamond 2Heart 4Diamond J, and White pairs his jack on the river to stay alive and double up in chips.

The very next hand Drinan moves all in from the small blind, and the same player he just doubled calls from the big blind with Heart AHeart K. This time Drinan is behind with Spade 10Spade 9. The board comes Diamond ASpade KClub 6Spade 2Spade 6 and Drinan wins with a flush.

John White  –  140,000  (12 bb)
Connor Drinan  –  165,000  (17 bb)

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