Colin Moffatt Wins a Three-Way All-In to Eliminate Roman Herold in 13th Place

Nov 22, 2016

Colin Moffatt
Photo:  Colin Moffatt nearly tripled up to contend for the chip lead.

Colin Moffatt moves all in from the cutoff for 586,000, Troy Quenneville calls from the small blind, and Roman Herold tanks for about 45 seconds in the big blind before he calls all in for about 360,000. Here are their cards in descending order of chip counts:

Troy Quenneville:  Heart ASpade 10
Colin Moffatt:  Spade 6Heart 6
Roman Herold:  Club ASpade K

The board comes Club 9Heart 5Club 4Diamond 7Heart 3, and Moffatt wins the entire pot with his pocket sixes to double thru Quenneville and eliminate Herold in 13th place.

Colin Moffatt  –  1,555,000  (78 bb)
Troy Quenneville  –  910,000  (46 bb)
Roman Herold  –  Eliminated in 13th Place  ($19,000)

Roman Herold
Photo:  13th-Place Finisher Roman Herold

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