Cody Slaubaugh vs. Justin Henry

Aug 27, 2011

JC Tran raises to 2,800 from early position and Cody Slaubaugh calls from middle position.  Justin Henry is in the cutoff and raises to 11,000.  Tran folds and Slaubaugh thinks a bit before calling.

The flop comes down [QcJs9s] and Slaubaugh checks.  Henry bets 16,500 and Slaubaugh thinks for a couple of minutes before announcing he is all-in for an additional 70,000 or so.

Henry has around 90,000 chips left in his stack and studies the board intently as he deliberates.  After a minute or so, Henry folds and Slaubaugh takes the pot.

Cody Slaubaugh – 135,000
Justin Henry – 90,000

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