ClubWPT Qualifier Steven Waggoner Off to a Good Start

May 4, 2024

Steven WaggonerPhoto:  ClubWPT Qualifier Steven Waggoner

The player in the cutoff raises to 600, the player on the button reraises to 2,500, and ClubWPT Qualifier Steven Waggoner reraises to 7,600 from the small blind. The cutoff folds and the button calls.

The flop comes Heart 7Heart 5Diamond 5, Waggoner checks, the button bets 6,500, and Waggoner calls.

The turn is the Spade J, Waggoner checks, the button bets 14,500, and Waggoner calls.

The river is the Club 3, Waggoner checks, and the button checks.

Waggoner shows Diamond AHeart 10 for ace high, his opponent mucks, and Waggoner wins the pot.

Steven Waggoner  –  73,000  (365 bb)

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