ClubWPT Qualifier Peter Turner Eliminated by Jared Farber

Jun 30, 2018

Peter Turner=

Following a raise to 4,500 from a player in middle position, Jared Farber three-bet the cutoff to 10,500. With the action on ClubWPT Qualifier Peter Turner (pictured) in the small blind, he moves all in for exactly 20,000.

The initial raiser calls, and Farber throws in a few additional chips to signify a call.

Turner: Heart ASpade Q
Farber: Club KDiamond J

The dealer spread a Diamond QDiamond 4Spade 9 flop to further Turner’s advantage, but now leave Farber drawing to straight outs.

The turn lands the Spade K to thrust Farber into the lead, and when the Spade J completes the board on the river, Turner is eliminated.

Jared Farber – 260,000
Peter Turner – Eliminated

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