Cliff Josephy Doubles Thru Masa Kagawa

May 15, 2011

Tyler Smith raises to 2,000 from under the gun, Cliff Josephy calls from the hijack, and Masa Kagawa defends out of big blind.  

The flop comes down [Qd8h4d] and Kagawa checks.  Smith bets 3,400 and Josephy calls.  Kagawa then check-raises to 12,800.  Smith folds and Josephy moves all-in for an additional 84,900.

Kagawa thinks for a couple of minutes and gets an exact count of Josephy’s stack before calling with [Jd10d] for a flush draw with a gutshot straight draw.  

Josephy is not in great shape with his [5d6d] for a smaller flush draw with a gutshot draw of his own.

Josephy hits his gutshot when the turn brings the [7h].

"That’s not a bad card for me," Josephy deadpans.

The river is the [Ks] and Josephy’s straight holds to give him the pot and a double up.

Cliff Josephy – 205,000
Masa Kagawa – 108,000

Biggggg oops. Jammed huge combo draw into huger combo draw. No problem tho, ship 200k this way!less than a minute ago via txt Favorite Retweet Reply

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