Claas Stoob Eliminated by Andras Matrai in 50th Place (€3,080)

Apr 14, 2024

Photo: Claas Stoob

Andras Matrai raises enough from the big blind to put Claas Stoob all in, and Stoob calls for his last 105,000 in early position.

Claas Stoob: Spade KClub 8
Andras Matrai: Club KDiamond 10

The board runs out Club 9Diamond 4Club AClub 4Diamond 6 and Matrai’s ten-kicker plays to send Stoob to the rail.

Maor Zaharagi also recently eliminated both Jaroslaw Falkowski and Stoyan Kitanov in the same hand holding pocket queens.

Andras Matrai- 2,100,000 (131 bb)
Maor Zaharagi- 1,200,000 (75 bb)
Jaroslaw Falkowski- eliminated in 52nd place (€3,080)
Stoyan Kitanov– eliminated in 53rd place (€3,080)
Claas Stoob– eliminated in 50th place (€3,080)

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