Chunky Early Pot for Marcel Paval

Aug 24, 2024

Marcel PavalPhotoMarcel Paval

Around 9,000 is already in the middle in a hand between Marcel Paval in the cutoff and Timothy Hoch in the small blind, with the completed board reading Club 7Heart 8Spade 2Spade 6Spade 4.

Hoch checks to his opponent, who fires out a bet of 7,500. After some thought, Hoch makes the call, but mucks his hand when he is shown the bad news after Paval reveals Heart 10Diamond 9 for the turned ten-high straight. 

Hoch jokingly remarks “He hasn’t even woken up yet!”, as his opponent rakes in a sizeable early pot.

Marcel Paval – 60,000 (300 bb)
Timothy Hoch – 33,000 (165 bb)

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