Chuanhao Zhang Stays Alive

Jan 14, 2019

Chuanhao Zhang

Andrew Kelsall opens to 4,500 from early position and Anthony Marquez three-bets to 16,500 from the next seat over.

Action folds to Chuanhao Zhang (pictured) in the big blind, and he moves all in for 38,000. Kelsall responds by shoving for 160,000 and Marquez folds.

Zhang: Diamond 7Heart 7
Kelsall: Spade ASpade K

The board runs out Spade 8Club 6Spade 5Heart 8Heart 5 and Zhang collects a near triple up.

“He saved you,” states Marquez.

“I folded two tens,” continues Marquez.

Chuanhao Zhang – 95,500
Andrew Kelsall – 115,000
Anthony Marquez – 230,000

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