Christopher Mateo Out Before the Money

May 27, 2022

Christopher Mateoā€¯ width= Christopher Mateo

Vu Hoang Doan looks up the shove by Christopher Mateo while Junseok Oh forfeits his open raise to 14,000.

Christopher Mateo: Club AClub K
Vu Hoang Doan: Club 10Diamond 10

The shouting in Vietnamese by Doan starts and Mateo chimes in, demanding for an ace or king. However, only one wish is granted and Doan prevails thanks to the Club 8Heart 5Heart 2Spade 2Club J board.

Both stacks are counted and Mateo’s 94,000 is covered by two blinds.

Vu Hoang Doan – 230,000
Christopher Mateo – Eliminated

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