Christoph Maximowitz On Right Side of Cooler

Aug 24, 2024

Christoph MaximowitzPhotoChristoph Maximowitz

Ion Naicu opens to 1,100 under the gun and is faced with a three-bet to 3,300 by WPT Global Passport winner Christoph Maximowitz. Christoforos Christofou is on the button and he cold-calls the three-bet. Action folds abck to Naicu, who also calls.

The Heart AHeart 10Heart 2 flop is checked through. On the Club 9 turn, Naicu fires out a bet of 5,000, and only Maximowitz calls. 

The Spade 5 river completes the board. Naicu continues with a 4,000 bet and Maximowitz calls.

Naicu confidently turns over Diamond ADiamond K for a pair of aces, but is shocked when Maximowitz shows Club ASpade A for a set of aces, Naicu perhaps feeling grateful that the monotone flop prevented the pot from swelling significantly.

Christoph Maximowitz – 56,000 (140 bb)
Ion Naicu – 34,000 (85 bb)
Christoforos Christofou – 36,000 (90 bb)

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