Chris van der Ende, Heskey Selva Chop Up Sonke Lill

Mar 21, 2024

Sonke Lill moves all in for 80,000 in early position, Heskey Selva reshoves for around 350,000 in the small blind, and Chris van der Ende calls in the big blind.

Sonke Lill: Club QClub 2
Heskey Selva: Spade AClub 10
Chris van der Ende: Club ASpade 10

The flop comes Spade 4Club 6Club 8 to give Lill a flush draw, but he improves no further on the Spade 7 turn or Heart J river as van der Ende and Selva chop up his stack.

Chris van der Ende- 300,000 (20 bb)
Heskey Selva- 450,000 (30 bb)
Sonke Lill- eliminated

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