Chris O'Rourke Out in 14th Place ($43,248)

Apr 15, 2014

Chris O’Rourke moves all in UTG+1 for 505,000, Jacob Bazeley calls from the cutoff, and Mukul Pahuja calls from the big blind.

Pahuja and Bazeley check the dry side pot all the way down on a board of [KdQs3s4h6d].

Pahuja says, "Ace high," and O’Rourke asks, "How high?" Bazely says, "I have the nut ace high," and he shows [AdJc]. Pahuja shows [Ah5h], and O’Rourke turns over [As7h].

Bazeley wins the pot with his jack kicker to eliminate O’Rourke from the tournament.

Jacob Bazeley  –  13,675,000  (227 bb)
Chris O’Rourke  –  Out in 14th Place  ($43,248)

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