Chris Moore Eliminated by David Williams

Apr 21, 2010

David Williams raises under the gun to 20,000, and Chris Moore calls from the cutoff. The flop comes [Jd10d6h], Williams checks, Moore bets 32,000, and Williams calls. The turn card is the [Ks], and both players check. 

The river card is the [5h], Williams bets 50,000, Moore raises to 140,000, and Williams moves all in. Moore tanks for more than four minutes before he rechecks his cards and quietly says, "Call."

Williams flips over [AhQh] for the nuts — an ace-high straight. Moore says "Good hand," and tosses his cards into the muck. Moore is eliminated from the tournament. 

David Williams  –  1,460,000  (182 bb)

Chris Moore  –  Eliminated

After Moore left, Williams says the only hand he could put him on that made sense was Q-9 for the second nuts (a king-high straight). Williams was curious, but didn’t want to be rude and ask to see Moore’s cards on his elimination hand.

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