Chris Limo Makes Trip Aces Against Aleksei Vandyshev

Sep 22, 2016

Chris Boyadjian

Aleksei Vandyshev raises from middle position to 125,000, and Chris Limo (pictured) calls from the cutoff. The flop comes Club ASpade 7Club 6, Vandyshev bets 100,000, and Limo calls. The turn card is the Club K, and both players check.

The river card is the Diamond A, Vandyshev checks, Limo bets 225,000, and Vandyshev calls. Limo shows Heart AHeart 2 to win the pot with trip aces, and Vandyshev mucks.

Chris Limo  –  3,250,000  (65 bb)
Aleksei Vandyshev  –  2,650,000  (53 bb)

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