Chris Dowling Eliminated in 48th Place by Mario Adinolfi

Jun 9, 2024

Chris Dowling
Photo:  Chris Dowling

After a flop of Club AClub 9Spade 3 with about 300K in the pot, Mario Adinolfi bets 150,000 from UTG+1, and Chris Dowling calls from middle position.

The turn card pairs the board with the Heart 9, Adinolfi moves all in, and Dowling snap-calls with Spade ADiamond K for two pair, aces and nines. But Adinolfi turns over Diamond 9Heart 8 for trip nines, and Dowling needs to catch an ace on the river to stay alive.

The river card is the Club 6, and Adinolfi wins the pot with his trip nines to eliminate Dowling in 48th place.

Mario Adinolfi  –  1,830,000  (92 bb)
Chris Dowling  –  Eliminated in 48th Place  (€3,000)

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