Chris Conrad Wins Three-Way All-In, Eliminates Milad Oghabian

Feb 18, 2020

Chris Conrad

Milad Oghabian cold four-bet shoves for 8,000 and opener Erich Kollmann reraises all in. Chris Conrad calls on the button for his 21,800, prompting a three-way showdown.

Oghabian: Club ADiamond K
Kollmann: Diamond QDiamond J
Conrad: Heart QClub Q

Conrad fades all bad scenarios on theĀ Diamond 2Heart 8Heart 5Club 5Heart 10 runout and scoops the whole pot. Oghabian leaves the table and Kollmann drops to 18,500 or so.

Chris Conrad – 53,000
Erich Kollmann – 18,500
Milad Oghabian – eliminated

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