Chris Arvanitis Eliminated by Dean Baranowski

Nov 13, 2017

Dean Baranowski
Photo:  Dean Baranowski

Chris Arvanitis is short stacked and all in preflop from the cutoff against the Samuel Gagnon (big blind) and Dean Baranowski (UTG+1), with 2,800 already in the side pot.

The flop comes Club 10Spade 5Heart 5, the big blind checks, Baranowski bets, and the big blind quickly folds. Baranowski takes the side pot.

Arvanitis turns over Heart 7Spade 6 for seven high, and he needs to improve to stay alive against Baranowski’s Spade 4Club 4.

The turn card is the Club A, the river card is the Spade 3, and the pocket fours hold up for Baranowski to win the pot and eliminate Arvanitis from the tournament.

Dean Baranowski  –  230,000  (96 bb)
Chris Arvanitis  –  Eliminated

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