Chipleader Connor Rash Shoves the River Against Mike Finstein

Apr 21, 2024

Connor Rash
Photo:  Chipleader Connor Rash

Connor Rash raises from the button to 14,000, Mike Finstein reraises from the small blind to 56,000, and Rash calls.

The flop comes Heart QSpade 9Club 3, Finstein bets 50,000, and Rash calls.

The turn card is the Spade 2, Finstein bets 120,000, and Rash calls.

The river card is the Club 6, Finstein checks, Rash moves all in, and Finstein tanks for a long time before he folds. Rash takes the pot to extend his chip lead.

Connor Rash  –  1,470,000  (245 bb)
Mike Finstein  –  370,000  (62 bb)

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