Chip Movements With Darren Moves

Mar 19, 2023

Darren Moves continues his roller coaster ride and bumps the stack to almost 3.7 million when he wins a multi-way pot. Moves then calls a bet of 200,000 by Kunal Patni on the Spade JClub 8Spade 5Spade 8Heart 8 river and shows the Club JClub 7. Patni has the best of it with the Spade KClub K

Soon after, he tangles with Bien Mai and the latter raises the Diamond QSpade 10Spade 3Spade 7 turn from 300,000 to 600,000, prompting a fold from Moves.

One table over, Lewis Cowell four-bet jams into Feng Ji Chua and takes it down without resistance.

Lewis Cowell – 3,500,000 (87 bb)
Darren Moves – 3,100,000 (77 bb)
Bien Mai – 2,400,000 (60 bb)
Kunal Patni – 1,400,000 (35 bb)
Feng Ji Chua – 675,000 (17 bb)

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