Chip Leader Anh Duy Pham Busts Viet Van Nguyen

May 27, 2022

Viet Van Nguyen” width= Viet Van Nguyen

Chip leader Anh Duy Pham is unstoppable with his big stack the sends two player out of the running. The first bust built a 28k pot preflop with four players in. Staring down Club 10Heart KClub 7 three players checked to Pham who slides out 10k. Two folds follows then Viet Van Nguyen moves all in for just under 70k. Pham calls and ships it after the runout turn Spade 6 and river Heart J

Anh Duy PhamClub JSpade J
Viet Van Nguyen Club AClub 3

Anh Duy Pham – 710,000
Viet Van Nguyen – Eliminated

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