Chase Bianchi Eliminated by New Chipleader Ping Liu

Jan 29, 2019

Ping Liu

(hand details recapped to us by Ping Liu)

A player in early position raises to 2,200, Ping Liu (pictured) three-bets to 7,000 from the cutoff and Chase Bianchi four-bets to 18,000 from the button. The initial raiser folds and Liu calls.

The flop is Club ADiamond JDiamond 6 and Liu check-calls 15,000 from Bianchi.

The turn is the Heart 6 and both players check.

The river is the Heart K, Liu checks, Bianchi bets 44,000, Liu check-raises all in with a covering stack and Bianchi tanks for a bit before he calls all in for another 100,000-ish.

Liu tables Heart JClub J for jacks full of sixes, besting Bianchi’s Diamond ASpade K to win the pot and score the elimination.

Ping Liu – 403,000 (403 bb)
Chase Bianchi – Eliminated

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