Chao Ting Cheng Takes Massive Pot From Alexander Lyan

Jul 20, 2023

Chao Ting Cheng _WPT Korea S21_Main Event_Day 3_Giron_JG81589

In maybe the biggest pot of the tournament thus far that took over 15 minutes to declare a winner, Chao Ting Cheng (pictured) has taken over the chip lead from Alexander Lyan.

Preflop, Lyan raises to 65,000 and gets three-bet to 185,000 by Cheng in the small blind. Lyan makes the call and the duo sees a flop of Club 9Spade 5Diamond 7.

Cheng bets 95,000 and gets raised to 250,000 by Lyan. Cheng then comes back with another raise to 450,000 which Lyan calls.

On the Spade 6 turn, Cheng bets 325,000 and gets a call from Lyan.

The river brings the Club 5 and Cheng moves all in for his last 1,040,000. Lyan goes deep into the tank, thinking for almost four minutes before pushing his cards forward and tapping the table as the dealer pushes the massive pot to Cheng.

Chao Ting Cheng – 2,990,000 (99 bb)
Alexander Lyan – 1,650,000 (55 bb)

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